
Wherever possible, YPA tries to create partnerships with like-minded companies, enabling us to work together on projects and programs that help us fulfill our mission. Please also refer to our Supporters and Sponsors.


Visual Connections

Visual Connections offers a portfolio of successful and affordable marketing services, including trade shows in New York, Chicago and Toronto, uniquely focused on the business of licensing visual media.

Travel Photographer of the Year

Travel Photographer of the Year is an annual competition open to amateur and professional photographers from all countries. The New Talent award is for aspiring professional photographers, and there are two Young Travel Photographer of the Year awards.

Travel Photographer of the Year

PDNedu is "the magazine for emerging photographers and photographic educators".

Travel Photographer of the Year

TakeGreatPictures has published a series of articles by YPA documenting our progress.

Travel Photographer of the Year

The Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, a nonprofit organization, identifies teenagers with exceptional artistic and literary talent and brings their remarkable work to a national audience through The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards.

Supportive Industry Organizations

ASMP APA PACA BAPLA CEPIC SPE World Studio Foundation AIGA ASPP Penumbra Foundation VASA Project