Get Involved

To fulfil our goals, we rely on assistance from individuals and organizations, both within the photographic industry and beyond. Supporting YPA gives you the opportunity to play a key role in the future of professional photography.

Become a Supporting Member

Join YPA with a contribution of $50 or more and receive recognition and benefits in return for your support for our programs.

Become a sponsor

Sponsor a YPA event or program and receive notable recognition and business value in return. If your brand is global, we can offer sponsorship opportunities both in North America and Britain.

Become a media partner

Help us with free advertising, increased profile, and targeted editorial by becoming a media partner.

Offer discounts to YPA members

Become a YPA partner and offer discounts to our members, introducing your brand / services to a youth market.

Become a mentor

Share your knowledge and experience with young photographers, transforming their future career prospects.


Join our circle of volunteers, donating your time to help us with our programs and events.

Make a donation or endowment

Help fund our programs and operations by making a donation or endowment.

If you'd like to get involved or discuss any of the above options, please contact us or call Deborah Free on +1 585 768 7880.